Every day (sometimes several times) I check out my blog like every other blog that I read on a semi-regular basis expecting to somehow see it updated. I'm almost always surprised to see that the sometimes brilliant, usually insightful author has had nothing of worth to say in over a month. It's a tragedy that such a talented writer has cut herself off from her readers!
And then I remember that the author I'm talking about is me - and the reason she hasn't posted is because she has had nothing to say. I wouldn't even go so far as to say that I've had writer's block. I'd probably just say that I've had blogger's block. I've thought of tons (ok, not tons, but more than one) of ideas, but unlike some other bloggers who blog via iphone or ipod (I am the proud owner of neither), I have to get in front of the computer to write it up, and lately that just hasn't been happening.
So, I try again.
It's almost my blogoversary. I hereby take on an early birthday (think New Year's) resolution to try to post at least once a week.
Based on my past record - any guesses on how long I'll stick to it?
Once, there was an untold story…
8 months ago
Glad you're back. I was wondering...
Welcome back!
I'm sure you can do it! Here's the deal-you post once a week and I'll comment on each one, how's that for a plan?!
Seriously- welcome back. Was beginning to wonder if something was wrong IRL; this is a better reason.
How'd you like a cheescake recipe for your other blog?
Thanks for the warm welcome!
itsagift - sounds like a plan!
sa - nothing was wrong, but thanks for the concern. A cheesecake sounds perfect! Can't wait to see it
MM-Okay, so now the ball's in your court! :-)
even if you don't get in front of a computer, write things out on paper, so that when you do, you can just type it up and not think...
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